Schools/businesses cannot operate effectively without an effective administration and staff. Every person in the building has an impact! The Mindfulness and the Workplace program was created specifically for administrators and staff to help them reduce stress, increase productivity, improve job satisfaction and enhance well-being.

Staff and administration are the face of any school/business. They are often the first people seen when anyone walks in the building and they are tasked with navigating some really complex situations. They play a critical role in ensuring success and maintaining a healthy work environment.

However, many face a myriad of challenges that can lead to mental and physical exhaustion, ultimately affecting their ability to effectively lead their teams.

Why mindfulness in the workplace?

The Mindfulness and the Workplace course helps employees integrate simple, practical, scientifically-backed exercises into work (and home) life to:

  • Increase well-being, happiness and job satisfaction
  • Enhance engagement at work and home
  • Build resilience to stress
  • Manage overwhelm
  • Boost productivity

Throughout this six week electronically delivered course your team will: 

✔  Learn how stress keeps them on edge and how the brain can be trained to respond differently to stress

✔  Begin a mindfulness practice that doesn’t involve devoting their life to a guru or spending hours cross-legged on a cushion

✔  Implement techniques that calm them down on the spot when they would normally come unraveled
✔  Learn how the ways they normally work might be holding them back—and how to change that
✔  Schedule their day for improved efficiency and increased productivity to keep their workload manageable
✔  Discover the secret to real happiness. (Hint: It can't be found in a happiness book)
✔  Develop mindfulness habits that stick

How the Course Works

Please note that each module in the course is sequentially locked, meaning you must complete the module before accessing the next one. This ensures a structured learning experience and allows you to progress through the course content effectively.

We suggest that you work on 1 module per week. We will be sending you emails every week to remind you to work on the next module. Each module introduces a relevant mindfulness skill for the workplace, describes the neuroscience related to that skill and offers a variety of ways to practice the skill and integrate it into your workday.
Starting a Mindfulness

Managing Brain States
and How to Calm Your
Mind on Demand
The Hidden Costs
of Distraction

Scheduling Your Day
for Efficiency, Productivity
and Sanity
Shaping a Happy

Mini Mindful Habits
and Rituals to Create

Frequently Asked Questions


Not sure if Mindfulness in the Workplace 
is right for you and your staff?

30 Days. If you don't love it, We'll give you a full refund. 

We really believe that this course will help you retrain your brain so that stress no longer gets the best of you.  But, if you give it a try, run through the exercises and modules and don't see any results, email us within 30 days of purchase and we'll give you a full refund.

Are you ready to take the jump and learn strategies to help train your brain - risk free?